The weekend went by way too fast …as always …but since this weekend was spent at a handler class it went by extra fast. The class was really instructive and I believe we learned a lot. Jayness & I even got some praise for looking really synced together. The judge asked if we practice a lot ‘cause we looked well rehearsed together, we had a strong connection and we looked as a team… lol. Always fun to hear!
And some more bragging ..hihi...Gabbi’s dad who attended the same class with his male Kerry Blue Terrier, said during our lunch break:
“well, if I would choose a dog from all the dogs here today, I would want James”… hihihi… I think we have to take that as a compliment. :) The thing is, when Jay is in “the mood” he does look good in the ring, and he really knows how to move...
From one thing to another, my gosh did the judge have us run in the ring...haha...I got some well needed exercise. My freakn' calves are hurting today. lol
But I had some major problems with my boy on Saturday, well Sunday too but it was much better compared to Saturday at least. Gabbi’s dog Vilma was in heat. And OMG was James interested in her. Most of the day, Saturday, I could not get through to him. He was so worked up and whined the entire day. We have practiced stacking a lot, so he could still stack, but I could never connect with him and his head kept turning the whole time. Grrrrrr!!! Sunday, as I said, was much better … Thank God! The last time Jay and Vilma met, he was quite nonchalant towards Vilma… but this weekend, he fell IN LOVE. :) He desperately wanted to reproduce… hahaha….
Anyhow, enough about crazy James. :) Ulrika and I had to critic another group's research paper over the weekend, the deadline was today at 11am. So I got up early today, since I didn't get much done on Saturday evening (as planned) to finish it. This means that the Customer Relationship Management Class is DONE! Yeesssss! Still got the other class going full speed and we have quite a lot to read this week… so I am definitely not out of work. And the Brand Management Class should start next week, or the week after that. So it will be a little less work the next week or two.. looking forward to that.
Jay and I are scheduled to meet Anna & Aston tonight for obedience training at the Dog Club. I just hope the weather will be alright, looks like it could start to rain any minute. Other than that, nothing much is going on around here. Jay and I went for a nice long walk this morning…so he should be content. And I'm planning on parking my ass in front of the TV for a while… before attacking the school literature.
Happy Monday!