We are still in the country... and the dogs love it!! This morning they got a chance to play in a lake, and when we got home they continued entertaining each other with a leash. =)
James will get a big old bath tonight because tomorrow is the Dog Show. I will have to get up around 4:30 A.M if I will have time to take James for a nice walk, get myself ready, before hitting the road. It is a little bit closer from here (the country side) to the show grounds, than from our home to the show. So that’s good.
Cross your fingers for the blue one, please... Here are some pics from this morning...
Above: "I know if I try really hard I can dig myself all the way back to L.A. Or hold on, what the heck is this I found???"
Above: Beaver = Alih?
Above: (Jay) "It sure is nice when we hang out together old bro"
Above: "Helloooo. What is this I see....gotta check it out."
Above: "This sure is life, being able to lay on the back with the paws up in the air"
Above: (Jay) "come on old bro... faster, faster"
Above: (Alih) "I will show this little kid ...boooy you just wait."
Above: (Alih) "Booooy, I already told you... I will show you."