Friday, July 24, 2015
Find us on Instagram
No more blogging (for now at least). These days you can find us on Instagram
Saturday, January 05, 2013
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Billy - a perfect diamond
There's really not much activity on this blog but I wanted to take a moment to remember Billy. Damn it feels so unfair what happened to him and it hurts really bad thinking about him. He was AMAZING! This boy was, and would have continued being, a diamond. He was perfect in every possible way and we loved him deeply from the second we saw this baby.
Yesterday was a year since we had to say Good-bye... waaaaay, waaaaay too early. I try to console myself by thinking that he has no pain now, no more limping. He can run around and have a blast. And I know my big boyz - Alih & Carlos - are taking perfect care of this diamond boy.
We love you always - Billy! <3
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
More Show Results
All Terrier Show - 6 Aug 2011
Vålberg, Sweden
Judge: Elzbieta Chwalibog from Poland
Quality Grading: Excellent
Competition Class: Placement 1, Champion Quality
Best Male: Placement 3
Reserv CAC
Translation from German
BSI Notes: "Powerful, beautiful body proportions, correct ears, correct top line and angulations. Moves well."
Eskilstuna International Dog Show, 20 Aug 2011
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Judge: Harry Vella from Malta
Quality Grading: Excellent
Competition Class: Placement 1, Champion Quality
Best Male: Placement 2
Reserve CAC + Reserve CACIB
BSI Notes: "Nice head, Correct bite. Well set shoulders, good top line, correct hind quarters, Moves well".
James has one more show to go to this year, until we most likely will take a break until next year. Wish us luck - ´cause we would love to get another CAC! :D
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Lucy in Action

We had a DW competition at the same time as we had our WP competition back in May which Lucy participated in. It was more of a fun thing as she has not been properly trained in heavy DW, she's more used to just pulling some chains while out for walks. However, she's a strong girl so with proper training I'm sure she could be really good. My cute little girl. :)
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Ransäter International Dog Show
We are still alive. We just don't have the time to update the blog. :/
But here are some news at least. James and I just spent 3 days at an International Dog Show and James won his class each day and became the 4th best male each day too. :)
Friday, July 29
Judge: Petru Muntean from Poland
"4 years old, good type, well balanced, good head, correct bite, good body construction with correct fore- and hind angulation, good pigmentation and coat, excellent fluent mover"
Quality Grading: Excellent
Competition class: Placement 1, Champion Quality
Best Male Class: Placement 4, Reserve CAC
Saturday, July 30
Judge: Petter Fodstad from Norway
"Harmoniously composed, good head, correct bite, Somewhat big ears, good neck and topline, volumnious front, lumber of good length, stands well on his legs, well carried tail, moves effetivley from the side, somewhat narrow from behind."
Quality Grading: Excellent
Competition Class: Placement 1, Champion Quality
Best Male Class: Placement 4
Sunday, July 31
Judge: Benny Blid Von Schedvin from Sweden
"Well balanced with a well shaped head, somewhat big ears, good neck-, withers- and topline, good chest depth, normal bone structure, normal angels, could have somewhat more powerful movements back."
Quality Grading: Excellent
Competition Class: Placement 1, Champion Quality
Best male Class: Placement 4
Cannot complain about this! Jamie is proud of himself! :D
Semestern är slut och ja, vare sig jag vill eller inte så lider sommaren mot sitt slut ... James och jag har spenderat 3 dagar på Ransäter Internationella Hundutställning samtidigt som vi bodde på Spa och myste med behandlingar på kvällarna. ;)
Utställningen gick mycket bra, annat kan man inte säga när James faktiskt vann Öppen Klassen alla 3 dagarna. :) Men så blir man snabbt "greedy" och hade önskat att han hade fått tagit cert nån utav dagarna. *fniss*
Fredag, 29 juli
Domare: Petru Muntean från Poland
" 4 years old, good type, well balanced, good head, correct bite, good body construction with correct fore- and hind angulation, good pigmentation and coat, excellent fluent mover."
Exe1, CK, BHKL4, Reserv Cert
Lördag, 30 juli
Domare: Petter Fodstad från Norge
"Harmoniskt sammansatt. Bra skalle. Korrekt bett. Aningen stora öron. Bra hals och topline. Välutfylld front. Bra längd i länden, Står bra på sina ben. Välburen svans. Rör sig effektivt från sidan, något smalt bak."
Exe1, CK, BHKL4
Söndag, 31 juli
Domare: Benny Blid Von Schedvin från Sverige
"Välbalanserad med ett välformat huvud, lite stora öron, bra hals, manke och rygglinje. Bra bröst djup, normal benstomme, normala vinklar, bak kunde ha lite kraftfullare rörelser."
Exe1, CK, BHKL4
Hoppas alla har haft/har en skön sommar!!!!